FAQs - Licensing and Business Filing Servicess
Is it really ?
Yes, if you buy two other filings. Anyway, call
us... there is always something you can
obtain as long as you pay for something eles..
Do I need to get licenses and tax IDS?
You may need an EIN, State EIN, State Sales Tax ID, Tobacco ID, and a Business tax Filing ( Business License).
Do I Need Tax Filings such as seller's Permit
If want to buy items wholesale or sell retail, you will need a reseller ID ( seller's permit).
Do Employers need both a federal EIN and a State EIN.
Yes, both an EIN, State EIN ( State Employer Identification Number ). You need to pay federal and state taxes.
Are Gov't fees in included in DBA, LLC, Corp. Filings?
Except for the services, yes gov't fees
for the DBA Certificate. If filing as an LLC or Corp., a corp certificate or LLC certificate
are included.
If filing an LLC or Corp., Do i need a DBA?
If you set up an llc, you don't need a dba because a dba is the Filing of your business name.
can file a DBA under an LLC or corporation
If you going to use more trade names, you can file them on the same dba or file dbas under the LLC or corporation.
We are a Partneship but do not want to be a corp. or llc.
Partnerships that do not set up as LLC or Corporation, need at least both a DBA and an EIN.
New Business Information
Selecting a Business Structure
If you are going to make any serious money such as more than $50,000 per year, you may want to form an LLC or coproration. It is the best to help you save on taxes and protect you from personal liability.
How does an LLC protect my personal assets?
If you file as a sole proprietor, you will be liable for all business debts and liabilities. For example, you have a cleaning business and your employee steals from your clients, you will be liable personally. If you
form an LLC, and the same thing happens, your personal assets, such as your home and car are protected. If sued, they can only get what the LLC has. If only $1,000 in the bank, that is all the plaintiff gets.
Where is the best state to incorporate or form an LLC?
Even though they will tell you that Delaware or Nevada is the best state, the best state is actually the state you do business in. This simplifies the entire business.