business  Filing
We are a 3rd Party Agency NOT affiliated with IRS/Federal/State Government. Your may obtain these or an EIN for Yourself.
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File Your Business Online .
Business Filing
Note that government filing fees or taxes are NOT included with Filings.
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File LLC DBA, Corp., Tax ID, License
- We File your business as a corporation, llc, partnership or sole proprietor, and get your tax id number, sellers permit, or business license.
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Real Help In Business
We can File your business for as long as you buy other legal documents you need to start your business.
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File for
Tax. You May Need:
All businesses need an EIN. If you sell tangible (touchable) products, you will need a sales tax ID. If you will hire, you will need a State Employer Tax ID. A business license is a type of general business tax Filing and it is required by all businesses.
Welcome to our business Filing website.
All businesses need a business license, though it can be the same as a Business tax Filing - however, you need a business name certificate and you can form an llc to File Your Business instead of getting a dba business trade name certificate. Your corporation name is the same as the dba business name. This is a general Business Filing that allows you, as the Business owner, the dom of operating a File ed corporate business.

Here Are The Permits, Tax ID Number(s) & Other Registrations Required When Starting a Business

Business Licenses, Permits, and Business Names

Don't know Where To Start? Click Here to Take a Short Quiz

Start Here: Applies to ALLbusinesses

Legal Business Licensing Requirements Applying To Any State & Any Business


Even if you are a home or online business, all off the following applies to you.

check All Businesses Need a Business License & a Trade Business Name (Trade Business Namerequired if using a trade name).

check Retailers / Wholesalers, Need a Reseller Tax ID, & a Business License.

check Employers Need a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN), a State Tax Id ( State EIN), & a Business License.

check Corporations, & LLC Need a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN)& a Business License.

check Partnerships Need a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN) & a Trade Business Name, but also need a Business License.

check Sole Proprietors May Use a Federal Tax Id Number as a Business Tax ID but also need a Business License.

check Instead of filing a Trade Business Name, You Can Incorporate or form an LLC & You Will Not Need To File A DBA

more info

File Your Company

File ing an LLC
or a Corporation

An LLC or corporation are both corporate entities.

File ing a Sole

You will need to file a DBA to File as Sole Proprietor

File ing a License or a
Tax ID

A business license is required; a tax id may be required.

File ing a

You need a DBA to File a Gen. Partnership and a State Certificate to File a Lim. Partnership.


22 oct.

If you set up a corporation or LLC, you don't need to file a DBA.

If you use your legal name(first AND last name) to do business, you don't need to file a DBA but can file an LLC, DBA, or Corp.

Tax Filings

20 feb.

Buying wholesale or selling merchandise retail.

You need a seller's permit to buy wholesale or sell retail.

Order Online Now!

Legal info & Disclaimer: , and its employees, agents, and representatives, are not affiliated with the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") or any other governmental or regulatory body or agency. provides services to file and obtain legal govrnment documents including Federal Tax Identification Numbers from the IRS as well as other state and federal government agencies.

As a "Third Party Designee, filing agent" pursuant to IRS Form SS-4, paid prepares and submits applications for an Employer Identification Number ("EIN") to the IRS as a representantive of our clients. does not verify EIN application submissions and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Any individual may obtain and submit his or her own EIN application at no cost through the official IRS website at

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